The book of leviticus study

If someone in the 21st century started reading through leviticus, he or she might turn ones attention elsewhere because it includes many unfamiliar people and events. What does the bible say about what foods we should eat. Leviticus is god showing the method in which this worship would be conducted. Sklar will act as a helpful guide as you tackle this book. But within these highly detailed directives we discover the holinessthe. Well take a deep dive into leviticus, an often neglected and misunderstood book of the bible, with relevance to both the current crisis and everyday life. I had to prepare a talk on leviticus specifically chapter 16 on the day of atonement, and this little book was superb preparation along with reading the bible, of course.

In leviticus spiritual holiness is symbolized by physical perfection. The book opens with an overview of five types of sacrifices that had been going on in israel for years. The book of leviticus is the book of fellowship or communion. Picture study bible leviticus bible history online. Book of leviticus overview insight for living ministries. Select your study preferably in the order of the book. Leviticus a2 classic bible study guide 2 introduction as genesis is the book of beginnings and exodus the book of redemption, so leviticus is the book of reconciliation and fellowship. A 12week study by michael lefebvre, general editor j. On this reading of leviticus, i was richly rewarded, more so than ever. Focusing on the offerings, the laws, and the more perplexing areas of leviticus, this study helps you understand.

Leviticus in the picture study bible the book of leviticus. Even though it contains levis name, it was written concerning the priesthood in general, not only to the levites. More than just archaic rules, the laws outlined in this book reveal gods holy character and the forgiveness he offers to all who sincerely repent. Leviticus should be among your favorite books of the bible. Leviticus in this book, we study the intricate and various laws related to jewish holidays and the temple. Ortlund the knowing the bible series is a resource designed to help bible readers better understand and apply gods word. The book of leviticus can be challenging for contemporary readers, but its pages are filled with spiritual riches. If you have trouble mustering up the excitement to read through leviticus, you are not alone. Some years ago, a couple friends and i were on the.

The word leviticus is a latin word that has reference to the levites. When i embarked on this reading that old feeling was there but i wasam convinced that each book of the bible is important, because god had them included. When a man has on the skin of his body a swelling, a scab, or a bright spot, and it becomes on the skin of his body like a leprous sore, then he shall be brought to aaron the priest or to one of his sons the priests. Rather than being about the levites, the title refers to the usefulness of books contents to the levites in their ministry as priests, worship leaders, and teachers of morality. Someone recently asked if she should read the book of leviticus.

In leviticus chapter 12, why is a woman unclean longer if she gives birth to a daughter than if she gives birth to a son. The name leviticus was given to the third book of the pentateuch by the ancient greek translators because a good part of this book deals with concerns of the priests, who are of the tribe of levi. For those who were with us for our study in the book of exodus, you may well remember reading chapter after chapter after chapter of gods commands to israel on how to build the tabernacle. In the modern church it tends to be the last part of the bible anyone looks at seriously. It follows exodus, which describes the laws god gave at mount sinai and provides instructions for building the sacred tent of meeting and all the holy objects that were to be used in worship. Aleph beta brings the torah to life with colorful videos and study guides, uncovering profound insights about how we should live our lives. In this section of scripture that often feels detached and foreign to the christian life, dr. Torah club is a bible study for disciples of the jewish jesus. It is a part of the pentateuch, the first five books of the bible. Gone are the epic hollywood plagues and miracles found in exodus.

In exodus god saved his people and formed an alliance with them. The book starts with the phrase the lord called unto moses which appears 35 other times in the book. The blood of bulls and goats did not actually take away sin. Leviticus used to be the first book that jewish children studied in the synagogue. Old testament law is described through the decalogue the ten commandments, as it is laid down through moses in the exodus story. According to a recent survey by the bible society, leviticus is the least favorite book for bible readers all around the w. Introduction to leviticus resources for chapters 15.

Leviticus picks up right where the book of exodus ended, so chronologically, we must do leviticus next. Leviticus with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. Psalm 119 is all about the wonder of the word of god. According to a recent survey by the bible society, leviticus is the least favorite book for bible readers all around the world. Try looking at the mindmap diagrams and seeing how the book has a structure. Israels failure to keep this command determined the length of their captivity. Gone are the fascinating characters and suspenseful stories of genesis. Welcome to the introduction of the book of leviticus. This 12week study helps readers understand how the rituals in the old testament law point to christs work of atonement on the cross. But specifically, its a book of rules that the ancient israelites believed they had to follow in order to be close to their god. The nwt study bible is complete with cross references, maps, and an accurate bible dictionary. Understanding the book of leviticus for today by ralph drollinger. It covered over sin until christ came to take away all sins. The book of leviticus was the first book studied by a jewish child.

Its hebrew title, wayyiqra, is the first word in the hebrew text of the book and means and he i. The first five books of the bible are called the pentateuch, or the law, and are generally accepted as being written by moses. Jay sklar walks you through the challenging details of the book of leviticus. Leviticus teaches that the way to god is by sacrifice. What is the meaning of the strange fire in leviticus 10. In practice then, though not in theory, leviticus is treated as though it does not really belong to the canon of scripture. Why was it bad that aaron and his sons burned the sin offering in leviticus 10. There are also page numbers to help you reference with ease. Gain insight into israels history in the book of leviticus.

As wenham has pointed out, leviticus is a book of laws set within a narrative framework 5 one of the frequently found phrases in the book of leviticus is, then the lord spoke to moses, saying, it is thus to be understood that this book, as a piece of literature, is to be interpreted as a narrative. In leviticus, those commandments are elaborated on in detail. In the book of leviticus, the children of israel were. Leviticus is the third book in the pentateuch, the name christians use for the first five books of the old testament. Instructions to the priests for diagnosing leprosy. There is nothing historical in all this book of leviticus except the account which it gives us of the consecration of the priesthood leviticus 8. How does moses inability to enter the tent demonstrate the problem between god and israel. Dec 28, 2019 this article is part of the why study the book. Capitol for the sake of making the point, save gods special place and setting apart of the jews in world history, contemplate the results on the human side of a nation either choosing or not choosing to be obedient to the instructions found in the fascinating book of leviticus. Book of leviticus go to index of leviticus chapters leviticus 1. As god daily by most singular benefits declared himself to be mindful of his church.

Its been said, the book of leviticus was the first book studied by a jewish child. And in this article, i hope to persuade you of precisely the opposite. This is the third book of the old testament immediately following the book of exodus wherein the hebrews have escaped the control and influence of the egyptians. How do the first sentences of leviticus and numbers give us clues about the purpose of the book of leviticus. Although leviticus does not deal only with the special duties of the levites, it is so. In the past, ive oftentimes been unexcited about reading leviticus. This book is about as dull as anything possibly could be to the average christian and you wont find very many classes or individuals reading and studying the book of leviticus. Apr 19, 2015 welcome to the introduction of the book of leviticus. The levites held the lesser priesthood and were given the responsibility to officiate in the tabernacle and later at the temple in jerusalem see numbers 3. Study scripture verses and use highlighting, underlining, and take notes in the bible. In the book of leviticus, god establishes the rest of the law with moses to set israel apart from the rest of the world as his representatives. The lord jesus testifies to the fact that moses was the author of leviticus in matthew 8.

The leviticus bible study breaks down the book of leviticus by asking simple questions about leviticus and the commentary. Really emphasised the connection between the old testament law and sacrificial system, and jesus christ as the divine high priest. It brings us into the tabernacle and opens to us all the privileges of access to the presence of god, and our place of blessing as his priestly household. Verse 103 shows us the heart of someone who really loved the bible. Thats why its a vital piece of the torah, the foundation of the rest of scripture. Leviticus used to be the first book that jewish children studied in the. Leviticus receives its name from the septuagint the prechristian greek translation of the ot and means relating to the levites. This is going to be a challenging book to study but we cannot skip it. The method of examination for leprosyand the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying. So the key thought of the book is holiness see notes on 11. The title of leviticus comes from the ancient greek septuagint, which named the book leueitikon, meaning the book of the levites. In leviticus the principles of approaching god are shown. God invites israel to live in close proximity to his holy presence. For instance, the sexual sins listed in leviticus 18 are an elaboration.